At the heart of the KCO offering is support for each individual. KCO is a small, vibrant, and friendly community, in which individuals are encouraged to share their triumphs and their concerns.
We aim to communicate fully and effectively with students from the very start of their journey at KCO, and believe that this community of like-minded fellow students and highly engaged teachers is the best place for each individual to thrive.
Each student will be part of a tutor group, which meets every morning for a period of quiet reflection and mindfulness to prepare themselves for the day ahead. Their tutor will also act as a coach to support and challenge them through their time here.
Individual attention is also at the forefront of our academic offering, with all A Level students having a 25 minute individual tutorial session with their teacher every week in each subject. This provides an opportunity to support their learning in a personalised and directed manner.
Our visiting well-being professional will be available to students for individual meetings and discussion face-to-face during the week, as well as offering online support at other times. The Academic Administrator is also part of the well-being team, and always happy to offer support and a friendly word or two.
The Academic Director, who takes the lead on Pastoral care, and Director are also available for discussion about any matters, pastoral, academic and practical. The Academic Director will be assisted in supporting students with SEND needs by the school’s SEND Co-ordinator.
No question is too small – once it has been asked, our team will support you in finding a solution.